ILO Insights

Maedi Tanham Carney
Founder & Executive Director, ILO

June 2023


We practice our faith in the smallest of ways.
With it we are saying “I can.” With it we are saying, “I care”

Michelle Obama

As I bid you adieu, I want to let you know what a pleasure it has been to work with such an amazing group of people and such incredible young adults.  I am so proud of where ILO is today. You believed in my passion and vision, and look at what we have accomplished!  ILO could not have gotten where we are today without all of you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My Hope for Families

I hope that you will continue to help ILO build supportive communities by encouraging each other, sharing your challenges and successes, and helping newcomers adjust and adapt to the transition of independent living.  This includes showing up, reaching out, and taking an interest in other families and their self-advocates. 

My Dream for Self-Advocates

My dream for you is that you feel comfortable, safe, and confident as you settle into independent living on your own, and help others do the same.  It’s essential that you are productive and feel engaged, with your family, with others in your Pod, and in your community. 

Continue building your life skills and growing your network of support. Engage with others by participating in fun and interesting group activities.

My Vision for Staff

My vision for ILO’s incredible staff is that you continue your amazing support for one another.  What an incredible team! Continue helping and celebrating self-advocates growing in their skills and independence.  Help them connect with each other and feel safe and confident in themselves and their support.

I have faith in you, and in ILO.  I know you can!  I know you care. Thank you ALL!

My last day as Executive Director will be June 30th, however, Ellie and I will both still be involved in ILO.  Though I am not your leader anymore, I will always be a part of ILO. Please feel free to keep in touch.  



ILO Happenings

Support ILO’s Team for Bike to the Beach!!

Find out how you and your family can take part in this very fun
fundraising event – EVEN if you don’t bike.  Contact us at

Message from ILO’s Team Leader – Gerry Dorros

Hey ILO Families and Self-Advocates,

ILO is currently the second leading team in dollars raised.  My goal is to finish in at least the top 3 this year.

So this is just a friendly reminder that this would be a great time to hit up your networks and help us ramp up the fundraising.

Thanks everyone! 


We are also looking for riders!

It’s TRUE! All ILO Fees Can Be Paid Using Self-Directed Funds

Your loved one can join ILO and be part of a Community POD where they have social connections through vibrant activities; in addition, access to the community builder who creates peer to peer relationships and a life coach who can help them grow in their independent living skills. All ILO Fees (training, assessment, community builder, life coaching & case management) can be paid with one’s self-directed budget.  Learn more HERE.

Gaithersburg goes to the movies and hangs out for their weekly POD meet-up; and the Rockville POD welcomes Ana back from France – Bonjour!
Germantown POD works on some tie dye t-shirts for summer fun!
The making of the pizza and the eating of the pizza, along with flag creation and a discussion about our values resulting in a color-perfect ILO flag – WooHoo! 
All from the Germantown POD.

Can We Assist YOU?

ILO is here to help YOUR family and SELF-ADVOCATE in every way possible.

  • Overwhelmed and don’t know where to go for assistance?
  • Lost your support (day programs, etc.), and need alternatives?
  • Running out of ideas for dealing with social isolation?

ILO is here to help! Please reach out to us at:

Join the ILO Community Group

Community Group Self-Advocates join us for lots of fun programs and activities in 2023 and meet other self-advocates living on their own.

Current Events

Game Night


*Non-participating ILO families must join the ILO Community Group and must sign a waiver before participation. 

 Go to for more info or to join.

We’ve just earned our 2023 Gold Seal

with @CandidDotOrg!

We are excited to share the work our nonprofit does through our #NonprofitProfile. 

Learn how you can support us and make a difference.

We Need Your Help Now!
Will You Help Support ILO?

The services that we provide to our self-advocates are largely funded by fundraising events, and by donations. Please consider a donation to help us continue providing support.


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